These Great Affects

Do you like The Fault in Our Stars by John Green? I do. If you didn’t like it or don’t care to read it, this post isn’t for you. Chances are, when you finished that book, you closed it and cried for an hour. Or your thoughts were, I … can’t … breathe … You may have tweetedContinue reading “These Great Affects”

How I’m Saving My Family

When I tell people I’m on a diet, they’re usually like, “Huh? Really? You?” I may not look like Buddha, and my Wii Fit may tell me I’m not obese, but there’s more to it than that. For a long time, I’ve been an absolute butt head to my family. I’m working on a couple different booksContinue reading “How I’m Saving My Family”

The Smaller Perspective: One Way to Parent Effectively

My wife surpasses me in bounds and leaps when it comes to parenting our kids. Not just because she’s home with them seven days a week all day and night, but she seems to really “get it” where it counts. For my part, I’m naturally self-centered. Strip me down to my bare essentials and you’reContinue reading “The Smaller Perspective: One Way to Parent Effectively”

Thank You, Katherine

We just watched Wall-e recently and one line stuck out to me. It’s when Captain B. McCre of the Axiom yells, “I don’t want to survive, I want to live!” What a statement. Personally, I’m naturally more of a survivor than liver. (Or person who lives.) A good time for me is staying in watching movies or reading a bookContinue reading “Thank You, Katherine”

The Things That Make Me Happiest

It’s only Tuesday. And for most of us who hate our jobs, that’s like saying, “You’ve got a thousand more years before you get to sit down and relax.” Well, I find that if you take a moment to jot down the things that make you happiest, and then every day until the weekend you do aContinue reading “The Things That Make Me Happiest”